Gurdjieff International Review
Contents of Past Issues
Vol. I No. 1, Fall 1997 Issue
Institute for the Harmonious Development of Man, Excerpts from Prospectus (G. Gurdjieff)
Sayings of Gurdjieff (Kenneth Walker)
Gurdjieff: The Unknown Teacher (J. G. Bennett)
Gurdjieff Chronology (James Moore)
Gurdjieff: An Original Teacher (Driscoll & Baker)
Lord Pentland (Walter Driscoll)
Vol. I No. 2, Winter 1997/1998 Issue
Commentary on
Beelzebubs Tales
(Terry Winter Owens)
Commentary on
Meetings with Remarkable Men
(Terry Winter Owens)
The Struggle to Fathom the Gist of
Beelzebubs Tales
(Terry Winter Owens)
Gurdjieffs Philosophy of Nature (Basarab Nicolescu)
No Harem: Gurdjieff and the Women of The Rope (Rob Baker)
Jane Heap (Rob Baker)
Great Harmonizer Tuning Up
G. Gurdjieff Explains (G. Gurdjieff)
Gurdjieff and the Armenian Boy Sarkis
Vol. I No. 3, Spring 1998 Issue Special Issue on A. R. Orage
A. R. Orage: Introduction & Bibliography (Walter Driscoll)
Black Sheep Philosophers: GurdjieffOuspenskyOrage (Gorham Munson)
The Essence of Orage: Some Aphorisms & Observations (A. R. Orage)
Readers and Writers: Reprints from the
New Age
, 19181921 (A. R. Orage)
Good and Evil: Nov 5 (Part 1 of 3) (A. R. Orage)
New Democracy
Vol. III, No. 8 (New York) December 15, 1934
New English Weekly
Vol. VI, No. 5 (London) November 15, 1934
Subscriptions and Reprints
Vol. I No. 4, Summer 1998 Issue Special Issue on Le Prieuré
The Forest Philosophers (C. E. Bechhofer Roberts)
New Cult (a series of 4 articles) (E. C. Bowyer)
Gourdyev (Denis Saurat)
An Experiment at Fontainebleau: A Personal Reminiscence (James C. Young)
Taking the Life Cure in Gurdjieffs School (Maud Hoffman)
Some Memories of the Prieuré (Mary C. Bell)
The Forest Philosophers (Clifford Sharpe)
Gurdjieff Heads the Newest Cult, Which Harks Back to Ancient Days (Raymond G. Carroll)
On Mans Place in the Scheme of Things (Bernard Metz)
Commentary on
Exchanges Within
(Dennis Lewis)
Good and Evil: Nov 12 (Part 2 of 3) (A. R. Orage)
Vol. II No. 1, Fall 1998 Issue Special Issue on the Gurdjieff Literature
Gurdjieff: The Man and the Literature (James Moore)
GURDJIEFF: An Annotated Bibliography
a review (Andrew Rawlinson)
Themselves: An Overview (Anna Challenger)
The Disenchantment of the Dragon (Martha Heyneman)
On Attention and Understanding of
Beelzebubs Tales
(G. Gurdjieff)
Beelzebubs Tales:
Fifty Years Later (Denis Saurat)
Facts, Fictions & Speculations (Walter Driscoll)
Henriette H. Lannes (James Moore)
Good and Evil: Nov 19 (Part 3 of 3) (A. R. Orage)
Are We Awake? (A. R. Orage)
Vol. II No. 2, Winter 1998/1999 Issue Special Issue on P. D. Ouspensky
P. D. Ouspensky (John Pentland)
P. D. Ouspensky: a Biographical Outline (Merrily E. Taylor)
A Brief Overview of Certain Aspects of the Thought of Petyr Demianovich Ouspensky (Michael Presley)
In Anti-Bolshevist Russia (C. E. Bechhofer Roberts)
The Romance and Mystery of
Tertium Organum
(Claude Bragdon)
Not a Cult: Dancing to Develop the Mind (E. C. Bowyer)
Strange Life of Ivan Osokin
(John Pentland)
The Psychology of Mans Possible Evolution
In Search of the Miraculous
(Jacob Needleman)
P. D. Ouspensky: a Brief Bibliography (Walter Driscoll)
Gurdjieffs Theory of Art (Anna Challenger)
Vol. II No. 3, Spring 1999 Issue A Focus on Historical Essays
All and Everything
A Study (J. G. Bennett)
John G. Bennett: The Struggle to Make Something for Oneself (George Bennett)
The 100 Most Influential Books Ever Written
A Review (Walter Driscoll)
The 100 Most Influential Books Ever Written
Chapter 94:
Beelzebubs Tales to His Grandson
(Martin Seymour-Smith)
Beelzebubs Tales to His Grandson
Commentary (A. L. Staveley)
Superforce and Beelzebub (Jyri Paloheimo)
A. R. Orage: An Introduction (Louise Welch)
A. R. Orages
My Note Book
(October 1933)
A. R. Orages
My Note Book
(January 1934)
A. R. Orages
My Note Book
(April 1934)
A. R. Orages
My Note Book
(October 1934)
Ouspensky on Love (Claude Bragdon)
The Case of P. D. Ouspensky (Marie Seton)
The Theory of Celestial Influence
Gurdjieff Obituary
The Times
Vol. II No. 4, Summer 1999 Issue The Gurdjieff / de Hartmann Music
On Listening to the Gurdjieff / de Hartmann Music
Our Life with Mr Gurdjieff
(Thomas de Hartmann)
The Music of Gurdjieff / de Hartmann Triangle Editions Recordings (Thomas C. Daly)
Music Manuscript Sample Page (Thomas de Hartmann)
The Sound of Gurdjieff (Laurence Rosenthal)
Gurdjieff / de Hartmann Music for the Piano Wergo / Schott Recordings (Eugene E. Foster)
Gurdjieff and Music (Laurence Rosenthal)
Music for the Film
Meetings with Remarkable Men
(Laurence Rosenthal)
On Thomas de Hartmann (Thomas C. Daly and Thomas A. G. Daly)
On Olga de Hartmann (Thomas C. Daly and Thomas A. G. Daly)
AttentionWishWillFree Will (Thomas de Hartmann)
A Special Evening at the Essentuki Social Club (Thomas de Hartmann)
The Strait Gate (Basarab Nicolescu)
Daumal with Gurdjieff and the de Salzmanns (Kathleen F. Rosenblatt)
Vol. III No. 1, Fall 1999 Issue In Memoriam: An Introduction to Gurdjieff
Excerpts from the Talks and Writings of G. I. Gurdjieff
Gurdjieff, G. I. (Michel de Salzmann)
George Ivanovitch Gurdjieff, 18771949 (P. L. Travers)
Gurdjieff: The Unknown Man (Kenneth Walker)
The Patriarch Goes West (William Segal)
To Recognize a Master (Henriette Lannes)
All and Everything
(G. I. Gurdjieff)
An Introduction to the Writings of G. I. Gurdjieff (J. Walter Driscoll)
Gurdjieff Observed (Roger Lipsey)
G. I. Gurdjieff and His School (Jacob Needleman)
Gurdjieff as Survivalist (James Moore)
Let Us Not Conclude (Henri Tracol)
Vol. III No. 2, Spring 2000 Issue Pupils of Gurdjieff
Jane Heap: As Remembered by Some of Those She Taught
(A. L. Staveley)
Threads of Time
: Recollections of Jeanne de Salzmann (Peter Brook)
William & Louise Welch (Patty Welch Llosa)
For Dr. William J. Welch (Roger Lipsey)
A Remembrance of W. A. Nyland: In the Ear and Eye of the Beholder (Terry Winter Owens)
Louise March
Pamela Travers
George Mountford Adie (Joseph Azize)
Dr. John Lester (David Kangas)
Combining Good and Truth, Now: An Homage to Maurice Nicoll (Bob Hunter)
Gurdjieff Heralds the Awakening of Consciousness Now (James George)
, a Master Stroke: Belzébuth, un coup de maître (Manuel Rainoird)
Copyright Conventions in an Unconventional World: A Note about the Writings of Gurdjieff and his Circle (Roger Lipsey)
Brother in Elysium: Orage in Gurdjieffs Service
(Michael Benham)
The Strange Cult of Gurdjieff: an Insiders Story of the Most Mysterious Religious Movement in the World (Gorham Munson)
Around the Theatre:
The Voice of Moscow
Vol. IV No. 1, Fall 2000 Issue
People Who Hunger and Thirst for Truth
Excerpts from the Talks and Writings of G. I. Gurdjieff
The Old Man and the Children of the Age
Getting in Touch with Gurdjieff
A Conversation on
Meetings with Remarkable Men
The Holy War
Commentary on The Holy War
For William Segal (19042000)
Wm. Segal
In Light of Meaning: An Interview with William Segal
Christopher Fremantle (19061978)
A Theatre for Us
Mr. Nyland and the Piano
Vol. IV No. 2, Spring 2001 Issue
Georges Gurdjieff: A French Documentary Film
Gurdjieffs Self-Revelation: A review of
Meetings with Remarkable Men
Louise Welch Essence Friend
Louise Welch: A Poem by Martha Heyneman
The Essence of the Work: An Interview with Jacob Needleman
A Passion for Understanding: Notes from an Orage Group, New York, 1927
In Denikins Russia: A Journey Through Georgia
Two Accounts of an Evening with Gurdjieff
Peter Brook and Traditional Thought
Vol. V No. 1, Spring 2002 Issue A Teacher of Dancing
Gurdjieff on Movements (G. I. Gurdjieff)
Gurdjieff’s Temple Dances (John G. Bennett)
Dancing (Anna Butkovsky-Hewitt)
Gurdjieff Movements Demonstration (Louise Welch)
The Role of Movement in the Complete Education of Man (René Daumal)
A Talk on the Dances (C. S. Nott)
A Session of “Movements” (Pierre Schaeffer)
Remember Inner Work (Jessmin Howarth)
Sacred Dance (Pauline de Dampierre)
Working with the Movements (Henri Thomasson)
Dances are for the Mind (Paul Reynard)
The Teacher of Dancing (Josée de Salzmann)
This Entity We Call the Body (Don Hoyt)
The Music Has To Like You… (Mitchell Rudzinski)
On Giving up the Luxury of Knowing (Stafford Ordahl)
Behind the Visible Movement (Jeanne de Salzmann)
Vol. VI No. 1, Spring 2003 Issue A Well-Prepared Tradition
Hugh Brockwill Ripman (1909–1980)
Public Lecture at Grace Church
To Give Is to Receive
Helen Adie: an Appreciative Essay
Paul E. Anderson (1897–1983)
Four Talks on “Time”
G. Gurdjieff: A Call for Attention to his Life and Work
Further Episodes with Gurdjieff
Dr. Welch Reads Beelzebub
The Stranger
A Big Tzimus (Tsimmes)
Vol. VII No. 1, Fall 2003 Issue The Movement of Transmission
The Look From Above (Jeanne de Salzmann)
Exchanges Within (John Pentland)
An Inner-World Journey (Kathryn Hulme)
Facing Mr. Gurdjieff (Michel Conge)
As Above, So Below (G. I. Gurdjieff)
The Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus
A Voice at the Borders of Silence (William Segal)
Its Up to Ourselves (Jessmin & Dushka Howarth)
Some Aspects of the Movements (Joanna Haggarty)
First Initiation (Jeanne de Salzmann)
Vol. VIII No. 1, Fall 2004 Issue Pupil & Teacher
The Key to a Teaching (D. M. Dooling)
Guidance Under Lord Pentlands Direction (by Don Hoyt)
Record of a Search: Working with Michel Conge in France (by Ricardo Guillon)
Inner Octaves and Eastern Music (by Jeffrey Werbock)
The Death of Gurdjieff (by William Welch)
What Did Gurdjieff Give to Me? (By Paul Beekman Taylor)
Inventors of Gurdjieff (by Paul Beekman Taylor)
Gurdjieff (by Carl Zigrosser)
GurdjieffSalzmannOrage (by Carl Zigrosser)
Thomas de Hartmann: A Composers Life (by John Mangan)
Gurdjeef at Taliesin (By Frank Lloyd Wright)
Monsieur X: The Fortune-Teller (By Richard Heron Ward)
Vol. IX No. 1, Fall 2005 Issue The Material Question
Gurdjieff and Money: Part I (G. I. Gurdjieff)
Gurdjieff and Money: Part II (Gurdjieff’s Pupils)
Our Money Has No Value (René Daumal)
The Same Old Trick (Jean Toomer)
Religion and Money (John Pentland)
Money and the Meaning of Life (Jacob Needleman)
Children and Money (Lillian Firestone)
Eight Silver Dollars (Patty de Llosa)
“The Material Question” in Afghanistan, 1977 (James Opie)
Twelve Dollars (James Opie)
Vol. X No. 1, Spring 2007 Issue The Work in Life
Excerpts from Talks and Writings (G. I. Gurdjieff)
Excerpts from Talks and Writings (Gurdjieff’s Pupils)
The Work in Life (Maurice Desselle / Henri Tracol)
The Art of Living with Oneself (Pauline de Dampierre)
Coming Up Against Life (Hugh Ripman)
A Friend In Myself (John Pentland)
The Museum of Work (Maurice Nicoll)
Again—The Work in Life (A. L. Staveley)
Economizing Our Energy (A. R. Orage)
Staying with Emptiness (William Welch)
The Art of Climbing Mountains (René Daumal)
A Never-To-Be-Forgotten Lesson (Tcheslaw Tchekhovitch)
How To Live Simply? (Michel de Salzmann)
Playing a Role in Life (Peter Brook)
Westering (James Moore)
The True Hermit Lives in the City (Jack Cain)
A Fable for the Seeker Whose Search Is Not Going Well (Roger Lipsey)
In Search of Peradams (Various Authors)
Working for a Living (Jean Martine)
Another Kind of Thinking (Scott Williams)
A Sense of Myself (Betty Brown)
Simple Moments (David Young)
Vol. XI No. 1, Spring 2012 Issue The Oral Tradition
Introduction: A Leaping Flame (Mary Stein)
Excerpts from Writings (G. I. Gurdjieff)
Excerpts from a Meeting in 1943 (G. I. Gurdjieff)
Excerpts from Writings (Pupils)
Spiritual Masters (William Segal)
He Was a Real Threat (Michel de Salzmann)
Gurdjieff and the Children (Paul Beekman Taylor)
A Letter to Jeanne de Salzmann (René Daumal)
Attention (Jacob Needleman)
Excerpts from Writings (G. I. Gurdjieff)
“And So, My Boy ...” (Paul Jordan-Smith)
Passing on Oral Teachings (James Opie)
Excerpts from Writings (Pupils)
Notes on the Gurdjieff Music (Gail Needleman)
Tradition and Transmission in the Music of Gurdjieff (Laurence Rosenthal)
“He Was a Root Man” (Willem Nyland)
Living the Oral Tradition in Movements (Diana Rosenthal)
Excerpts from Writings (Pupils)
Real Exchange in a Group (Jeanne de Salzmann)
There’s a Definite Sound (Carl Lehmann-Haupt)
A Difficulty, Together ... (Bill Dudley)
You Do My Way, I Do Your Way? (Fredrica Parlett)
Studying an Ancient Tradition (Mary Stein)
Lunches at St. Elmo (Richard Whittaker)
Excerpts from Writings (Pupils and Others)
Vol. XI No. 2, Summer 2012 Issue Beelzebub’s Tales
On Attention and Understanding of
Beelzebub’s Tales
(G. I. Gurdjieff)
Beelzebub’s Tales
: Fifty Years Later (Denis Saurat)
All and Everything
(John G. Bennett)
, a Master Stroke (Manuel Rainoird)
Commentary on
Beelzebub’s Tales
(Owens / Smith)
Superforce and Beelzebub (Jyri Paloheimo)
Themselves: An Overview (Anna Challenger)
Gurdjieff’s Theory of Art (Anna Challenger)
Commentary on Beelzebub’s Tales (A. L. Staveley)
The Struggle to “Fathom the Gist” of
Beelzebub’s Tales
(Terry Winter Owens)
The 100 Most Influential Books Ever Written Chapter 94: Beelzebub’s Tales (Martin Seymour-Smith)
“And So, My Boy ...” (Paul Jordan-Smith)
Vol. XII No. 1, Fall 2013 Issue Attention
Introduction (Jenny Koralek)
Excerpts from Talks and Writings (G. I. Gurdjieff)
Attention—Wish—Will—Free Will (Thomas de Hartmann)
Attention Is Absolutely Indispensable (Olga de Hartmann)
Going Toward Consciousness (Jeanne de Salzmann)
Attempts to Divide Attention (Ouspensky & Collin)
The Study of Attention and the Centres (Ouspensky & Nicoll)
Attention Is Our Only Weapon (Jane Heap)
The Struggle To Gather Attention (Louise Welch)
“Must Have Attention” (Hulme & Solano)
The Power of Attention (Henri Tracol)
Attention Is the Fire of Our Being (Henriette Lannes)
The Role of Attention in Self-Liberation (Michel Conge)
Until My Attention Is Divided, There Is No Work (John Pentland)
The Force of Attention (William Segal)
On Attention (Christopher Fremantle)
A Two-Way Attention (Jean Vaysse)
Collection of Attention Is Necessary (Sophia Ouspensky)
An Effort Must Be Made With All Centres (A. R. Orage)
“Begin With Small Things” (C. S. Nott)
Attention’s Closest Kin (P. L. Travers)
The Best Thing We Can Give Children (Nathalie de Salzmann)
Internal Attention (Maurice Nicoll)
Dimensions of Attention (Paul Reynard)
An Act of Questioning (Michel de Salzmann)
Developing Attention in Movements
In Search of Peradams
Other Spiritual Traditions (Jenny Koralek)
Religious Traditions
Other Masters, Other Seekers
Silence of the Heart (Richard Temple)
The Way of Tea (Nobuko Somers)
The Symbolic Mountain (Hugh Ripman)
A Sacred Energy Coming Into Me (Michel de Salzmann)
Vol. XIII No. 1, Winter 2018/2019 Issue Pupils of Gurdjieff II
Introduction (Ellen Reynard)
Jeanne de Salzmann (Pamela Travers)
Alexandre de Salzmann (Basarab Nicolescu)
Light, Lighting and Illumination (Alexandre de Salzmann)
Sophie Ouspensky (Irmis Popoff)
Jessmin Howarth (Sally Ravindra)
Olgivanna Wright (Maxine Fawcett-Yeske & Bruce B. Pfeiffer)
A Specially Prepared Feast (Diana Faidy)
Nathalie de Salzmann de Etievan (Isabel Portas)
Jacques Etievan (Anne-Marie Grant)
Annette Herter (Larry Rosenthal)
Alfred Etievant (Ellen Reynard, Fredrica Parlett, Patty de Llosa)
Ilonka Karasz Nyland (Paul Kane)
Irmis Popoff (Juanita Ratner)
Margaret Flinsch (Caty Laignel)
Cynthia Pearce (James Ehlers)
Tom Forman (Mary Rothschild)
Paul Reynard (Bill Jordan)
Vol. XIII No. 2, Spring 2019 Issue Pupils of Gurdjieff III
Introduction (Ellen Reynard)
Martin Benson (Carl Lehmann-Haupt)
Martin Benson at Armonk (Roger Lipsey)
Rita Romilly Benson (Marshall May)
Solange Claustres (Laszlo Hollan & Christian Chanel)
Bernard Courtenay Mayers (Gurdjieff Society of London)
Dorothea Dooling (David Ulrich)
Lise Etievan (Didier Mouturat & Ellen Reynard)
Marthe de Gaigneron (Laurie Morrocco)
Kathryn Hulme (Ellen Reynard)
John Pentland (Jacob Needleman)
Lucy Pentland (Barbara Ryan and Others)
Josée de Salzmann (Marie-Christine Marville)
Cora Segal (Hy Varon)
Beatrice Sinclair (Mary Arendt)
Annie Lou Staveley (Toddy Smyth)
Evelyn Sutta (Barbara Reser)
Henri Thomasson (Philip Heinegg)
Jean Toomer (Ellen Reynard)
Henri Tracol (Demade, Bonacina, Mouturat, Vaigot)
Henri Tracol: The Study of Other Traditions (Gurdjieff Society of London)
René Zuber (Roger Lipsey)
Renewal: Rediscovering the Truth at Each Moment (Alexandre de Salzmann)
Vol. XIV No. 1, Winter 2019/2020 Issue Nature
Introduction (Mary Stein)
Gurdjieff on Nature (G. I. Gurdjieff)
Organic Life on Earth (G. I. Gurdjieff)
Gurdjieff’s Relationship with Animals (Various Authors)
“You Know This Word, ‘Kindness’?” (Fritz Peters)
“All of Us Are Parasites” (A. R. Orage)
“I Was Responsible for the Disaster” (René Daumal)
Repairing the Past (G. I. Gurdjieff)
Man’s Situation on the Earth (Maurice Nicoll)
Man, Mother Nature, and the Earth (Willem Nyland)
The Plight of the Soil (John G. Bennett)
Nature Is Our Mother (John G. Bennett)
Look a Lion in the Eye (Kathryn Hulme)
The Needs of the Earth (Jeanne de Salzmann)
Waste (A. L. Staveley)
The Deepening Call (Other Pupils of Gurdjieff)
This “Paltry Earth” of Ours (Carl Sagan & Jacob Needleman)
Gurdjieff’s Philosophy of Nature (Basarab Nicolescu)
Gurdjieff and Ecology (James George)
What Does Great Nature Require of Us? (James George)
An Invisible Quality (Jacob Needleman)
A Stark Reality (Keith Buzzell)
True Ecology (Ravi Ravindra)
The Look of Nature, from Beelzebub’s View (David Appelbaum)
The Voice of the Earth (Jack Cain)
A Field Report on Life on the Edge of the Swamp (James Elder)
The New Abnormal (Paul Kane)
A Normal Man (Bill Dudley)
Woodswork (Kathleen Cramer)
The Mystery of Trees (Richard Whittaker)
The Weather Was So Warm (Doug Spitz)
A Nature Study Team (Mary Stein)
Native Americans Speak (Various Authors)
Vol. XIV No. 2, Fall 2020 Issue Pupils of Gurdjieff IV
Introduction (Ellen Reynard)
Gurdjieff and the Prieuré (Ethel Merston)
Michel Conge (Senior Pupils)
Pauline de Dampierre (Catherine Childe)
Michel de Salzmann (The Gurdjieff Institute of Geneva)
English Pupils (Gurdjieff Society of London)
Dorothy and George Phillpotts (Gurdjieff Society of London)
Michael Currer-Briggs (James Opie)
Elizabeth Bennett (George Bennett)
Dorothy Darlington (Clinton Smith)
Personal Memories of Gurdjieff (Gurdjieff Society of London)
American Pupils (Margaret Flinsch and William Segal)
George and Mary Cornelius (Jan Jarvis)
Lawrence Morris (Charlotte Wheeler)
Bill Segal (Andrei Serban)
The Japanese Stone Lantern (Martha Heyneman)
Seeing Gurdjieff Off at the Station (Ouspensky, Claustres, Conge)
Index of Pupils (Editors)
This webpage © 2020 Gurdjieff Electronic Publishing
Revision: April 15, 2023