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International Review

Spring 1998 Issue, Vol. I No. 3

Special Issue on A. R. Orage


ALFRED RICHARD ORAGE was a leading pupil of Gurdjieff. Having met Ouspensky in 1914 and later Gurdjieff in 1922, Orage surrendered the forefront of intellectual life in London to study at the Prieuré. In January 1924, Orage went to New York to help Gurdjieff with his first visit to America and later introduced and supervised the Work there.

A. R. Orage: Introduction & Bibliography

Equipped with the barest formal education, a formidable natural intelligence and an unquenchable yearning to understand, A. R. Orage emerged from British 19th Century working class poverty to survey the significant literary, psychological, political and spiritual trends of the early 20th century. Concludes with a brief bibliography.

Black Sheep Philosophers: Gurdjieff—Ouspensky—Orage

An essay by Gorham Munson, a friend and literary colleague of Orage and member of his group in New York for several years. This article was first published in Tomorrow (New York) Vol. 9, Issue 6, Feb. 1950, pp. 20–25. Written three months after Gurdjieff's death, a year after the publication of Ouspensky's In Search of the Miraculous and months before the publication of Gurdjieff's Beelzebub's Tales, Munson's informed summaries and penetrating observations contain little that is dated.

The Essence of Orage:
Some Aphorisms & Observations

Drawn from a variety of published and unpublished sources, these extraordinary fragments provide a brief introduction to Orage's vision of the human potential for a conscious development of being.

Readers and Writers
Reprints from the New Age, 1918–1921

Orage was editor of the enormously influential journal the New Age from 1907 until 1922. Under the title of "Readers and Writers", Orage contributed many essays of which these are a partial reprint. For more information on the New Age, see the site initiated by Dr. Robert Scholes of Brown University, an Experimental Guide to the New Age.

Good and Evil: Nov 5

The first installment of a three-part round-table discussion of Gurdjieff's ideas and themes from Beelzebub's Tales led by Orage in November of 1927.

New Democracy
Vol. III, No. 8 (New York) December 15, 1934

A. R. Orage: a symposium of tributes from Americans. Edited by Lawrence Morris and Gorham Munson and published by Willem A. Nyland, New Democracy was the organ of the Douglas Social Credit Committees across America. We include six of the forty-six tributes by Americans, that were published in this supplementary memorial issue.

New English Weekly
Vol. VI, No. 5 (London) November 15, 1934

A. R. Orage Memorial Number. Soon after his return to England, Orage founded a new journal the New English Weekly in April 1932. This memorial issue contains five extended tributes and forty-five obituary letters to the editor. We include tributes by George William Russell, T. S. Eliot, and five letters.

About This Publication

The Gurdjieff International Review is published by Gurdjieff Electronic Publishing. Any information or opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the views of the editors.

"I beg myself as well as my readers not to mistake understanding for attainment; and not to imagine, on the strength of their realization of certain truths, that they possess them, or still less, that they can use them. Our being, in which alone truth is possessed, is still a long way behind our understanding."

"Religion without humanity is more dangerous than humanity without religion."

"The last degree of esoteric teaching is plain common sense."

"You can never be impartial about any person or thing until you have been impartial about your planetary body."

"Do more and more, better and better, and think less and less of it."

A. R. Orage

Copyright © 1998
Gurdjieff Electronic Publishing

January 8, 2018