Gurdjieff International Review

Beelzebub's Tales
Page Correlation Table

Compiled by J. Walter Driscoll

Between the 1950 Original and 1992 Revised editions

Gurdjieff first dictated  Beelzebub's Tales in Russian and Armenian between 1924 and 1927, then supervised revisions and translations until 1935. The English translation of Beelzebub's Tales was first published in 1950. Between 1950 and 1991, all reprintings of this book by Harcourt Brace and by Dutton in North America and by Routledge in Europe, contained the same text. In 1993, an accurate facsimile printing of the 1950 edition with identical pagination was issued by A. L. Staveley's Two Rivers Press.

In 1992, a new English translation that contained significant revisions from the 1950 edition, was published by Penguin & Viking's Arkana imprint in New York and London. This revision was undertaken by a team of translators supervised by Jeanne de Salzmann until her death in 1990.

This page correlation table offers a grid or spreadsheet that lists page and line numbers in the 1950 edition where the corresponding page in the 1992 revision begins then gives the corresponding page number in the 1992 revision.

"To write my book for conscious man would be easy, but to write it for donkeys—very hard."
G. I. Gurdjieff

Copyright © 1997 J. Walter Driscoll
Revision: December 1, 1999