Paul Anderson

Gurdjieff International Review

Paul Anderson


On his last visit to America, Mr. Gurdjieff chose Paul Anderson as his last American Secretary, stating “He not only has eaten one dog, but swallowed whole packs of dogs … and I rest very contented when I leave because you are my special American Secretary.”

Paul E. Anderson — by Russell Huff

This penetrating essay by one of Paul Anderson’s students explores the reasons why Mr. Gurdjieff, on his last visit to America, said of Mr. Anderson that “He not only has eaten one dog, but swallowed whole packs of dogs.”

Four Talks on “Time”

These previously unpublished talks by Paul Anderson, presented in May/June of 1975, demonstrate how Beelzebub’s Tales can be used as a textbook for practical application of Gurdjieff’s ideas. “One of the very greatest ‘secrets’ of this Work is connected with our experiences with Time and with its durations.”

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Revision: November 24, 2003